2 thoughts on “Kindergarten

  1. Don’t worry about starting any structured program. Bring him into the kitchen when you’re cooking – great for math – counting, halves, quarters all the basics can be learned. Walks outside observing bugs, plants and just about everything else and talking about them are great for Science. Making a card for loved ones, doing leaf rubbings, finger painting, Sabbath school crafts – art. Reading to him, memorizing Bible verses, making letters with clay, using letter tiles etc – English. For Social studies talking about family & community, talk about people who work in your community like police, nurses, janitors etc.
    The library is a wonderful resource for learning about all these things and more also. Look at family albums and talk about older generations and how things were then. Better yet go talk to them or go to a nursing home and talk to the people about their lives.
    Use everything as a learning experience – grocery shopping is great for learning a variety of subjects.
    Hope this helps 🙂


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